Monday, 14 April 2008

London Calling

This is it, The final four miles today in my taper. Then it's down to London in the morning. Excitement to say the least! My bag is just about packed and the last of the food/fuel items awaits to be put into my backpack.

This is what I have trained 18 weeks for. This is what I have spent miles running in the rain, the cold, the wind, early hours, and late afternoons. Given up my Saturday mornings for, squeezed into my weekdays, and went out even when my mind was saying..." ahhhh you can skip it today".

This is what I ran the Liverpool Half for back in the beginning of March. Pressing on to run it to the best of my ability.

This is what I went to a physiotherapist for when my hamstring tear occurred. It's what I spent time stretching, hot baths, cold baths, hot water bottles, frozen packs of peas and applied countless rubs, ointments, creams and taken many an ibuprofen for.

This is LONDON! This is my fourth marathon. This is a test of my body, my mind, my soul. This is for me. This is to pass down a legacy to those that know me.

On Sunday 13 April I will lace up with my red laces, make my way to the Blue Start area and at 9:45 GT finish what I have prepared for all these months. This is satisfaction, living with a passion. Seizing the day and wringing it dry! Bring IT on!

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